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Click on each category to get more information. Our finishing solutions start with your needs. FinTec is more than a supplier. More than a company that provides basic products and services. We are a trusted partner. Our lab provides state-of-the art testing facilities to ensure the right solution for your specific needs.
Professional Futures and Commodities Broker. Fintec Group provides hedgers, institutional, professional and individual traders with cutting edge technology, research and service creating a customized solution for each client.
Финтех ООД предлага метали, химикали и принадлежности за галванотехниката, металообработката и електрониката. Заповядайте на нашият специализиран сайт за търговия с благородни метали. Злато, инвестиционно злато, сребро, zlato, srebro.